Laparoscopy is a medical intervention performed by making a small incision with the help of a laparoscopic camera. The laparoscope helps diagnose or surgical interventions with some small incisions in the abdominal area. Laparoscopic surgery has been very helpful in many instances like removing tonsil stones, curing hiatal hernia, correction of bulging or herniated disc, repair of ovarian cysts, etc. With the help of laparoscopic surgery a wide range of operations can be done without making any incision. The major benefit of this procedure is that there are no major complications after recovering from the surgery.
Patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery can come back to their normal activities in three days or less. When you go for this procedure you are given general anesthesia through an IV and you can move around after a while. After the surgery you have to recover for some days. You cannot drive yourself to the hospital and after you have overcome your fear of being anesthetized, your surgeon will prepare for your recovery at home.
The common types of surgical procedures are laser surgery, adjustable band surgery, and keyhole surgery. In the first type of surgery the surgeon makes a small cut in the upper abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a cannula into the tract. This cannula is made out of light material and is pushed through the small opening, which is found in the upper stomach. A small tube called a laparoscope is inserted through the cannula. Through this tube the surgeon can see the structures that are located inside the upper stomach.
In the second type of surgery we can see that it is less painful and more successful as compared to traditional open surgery. This is known as keyhole surgery. The main advantage of the laparoscopic surgery is that there are less complications and this comes from the fact that there is less damage to the organs.
Another major advantage of the laparoscopic liver surgery is that it has a very long-term potential. There are people who cannot live without their stomach and this is due to the fact that it contains a large number of potential surgeries. People with a long term or chronic gastritis who have lost the ability to tolerate foods in their stomach have benefited from the laparoscopic technique. This surgery has a long term potential and the person does not have to live with severe stomach pain for many years.
The major disadvantage of the laparoscopy procedure is that this procedure requires a large incision and a long period of recovery. The recovery period depends on how fast the surgeon can bring about improvement in the patient’s condition. Another disadvantage of the laparoscopic surgery is that the recovery period is also longer than that of traditional open surgery. It is therefore important that you discuss with your surgeon whether the laparoscopic procedure would enable you to go back to work or whether you will have to miss a large part of your work time.